What We Believe
1. Scripture
We believe that the bible (King James Version) is the complete revelation for mankind. We believe it is inspired of God and that Holy Men of God as they were moved of the Holy Spirit wrote it. It is the final authority for our life and contains no errors. It is to be read, studied and taught.
2. The Trinity
We believe that God is three persons yet are one and acting as one.
We believe the Holy Spirit to be God. He is more than a force of God, He is a person. He convicts sinners of their lost condition and points them to Jesus Christ for Salvation. Once saved the Holy Spirit indwells the believer for comfort, correction and direction in their life. It is by the help and direction of the Holy Spirit that we accomplish anything for God.
3. Fall of Man
We believe that man was created in the image of God and by a willful decision he partook of sin. By sin came condemnation and death to all mankind. Because man is a sinner, he is separated from a Holy God, cannot save himself and must be saved to go to heaven.
4. Salvation
We believe that salvation of the sinner is by grace alone. The lost person has no ability to save their self. By placing faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, a man, woman, boy or girl can be saved. Once saved we become a new creature in Christ Jesus and begin to live for Him.
5. Security of the Believer
We believe that once a person is saved, they are eternally secure. Once saved there is no condemnation and a person cannot lose their salvation. Salvation nor eternal security does not rest in what we've done or will do, it rests in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has promised to keep us and to never lose us.
6. Heaven and Hell
We believe that each soul has an eternal destiny. Heaven is a place of eternal happiness where God is and those that have trusted Him go when they die. Hell is a place of eternal punishment and torment where lost people go for rejecting the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. The Church
We believe the church to be a congregation of born again baptized believers. It is to take the gospel to the lost and remain separated from the world. It is to be New Testament in its practices, teach it's doctrines, observe it's ordinances and autonomous in it's government.
We believe that the bible (King James Version) is the complete revelation for mankind. We believe it is inspired of God and that Holy Men of God as they were moved of the Holy Spirit wrote it. It is the final authority for our life and contains no errors. It is to be read, studied and taught.
2. The Trinity
We believe that God is three persons yet are one and acting as one.
- God
- Jesus Christ
- Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit to be God. He is more than a force of God, He is a person. He convicts sinners of their lost condition and points them to Jesus Christ for Salvation. Once saved the Holy Spirit indwells the believer for comfort, correction and direction in their life. It is by the help and direction of the Holy Spirit that we accomplish anything for God.
3. Fall of Man
We believe that man was created in the image of God and by a willful decision he partook of sin. By sin came condemnation and death to all mankind. Because man is a sinner, he is separated from a Holy God, cannot save himself and must be saved to go to heaven.
4. Salvation
We believe that salvation of the sinner is by grace alone. The lost person has no ability to save their self. By placing faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, a man, woman, boy or girl can be saved. Once saved we become a new creature in Christ Jesus and begin to live for Him.
5. Security of the Believer
We believe that once a person is saved, they are eternally secure. Once saved there is no condemnation and a person cannot lose their salvation. Salvation nor eternal security does not rest in what we've done or will do, it rests in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has promised to keep us and to never lose us.
6. Heaven and Hell
We believe that each soul has an eternal destiny. Heaven is a place of eternal happiness where God is and those that have trusted Him go when they die. Hell is a place of eternal punishment and torment where lost people go for rejecting the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. The Church
We believe the church to be a congregation of born again baptized believers. It is to take the gospel to the lost and remain separated from the world. It is to be New Testament in its practices, teach it's doctrines, observe it's ordinances and autonomous in it's government.